What can I expect when I visit?
You can expect to find a welcoming, loving, inclusive group of people who are glad that you have come to worship with us.
Would I be welcome at your church?
Yes you would be welcome. All persons are welcome at Alameda Christian Church. We have persons of different races, educational levels, sexual orientations, gender identity/expression, languages, disabilities and backgrounds as part of our church family. We have people who are in school, employed, stay at home moms and dads, looking for work and retired. We are a mixed bag of men, women, teens and children seeking to grow spiritually and to love God and neighbor.
Are teens and children welcome?
Yes teens and children are an integral part of our community. Children and youth participate in leadership roles in worship, and our youth serve on committees and governing boards in our church and participate in mission and outreach projects as equal members of the teams.
Do I have to know what I believe before I attend?
No, we have people in our faith family who know what they believe as well as those who are still trying to figure this God and Jesus thing out. We are an inclusive community on a journey to figure out what it is that God desires of us. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey you are welcome.
What kind of worship services do you have?
We have Sunday service each week at 10:30am with a praised filled worship which includes music ministry, prayers and preaching.
How should I dress for Sunday service?
While many of our people attend church dressed in traditional attire (coat, tie, etc.), many of our members and visitors dress much more casually (sport shirts, jeans, etc.)
Are infants and children allowed in the sanctuary during Sunday morning service?
Yes. All are welcome to worship in the sanctuary during Sunday service. Alternatively, children and youths may also choose to participate in Youth Church on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays in the fellowship hall. In addition, a “quiet room” is available for parents with infants who wish to listen to the service from a more private area.
How often do you serve communion (the Lord’s Supper/Eucharist)
We serve communion every Sunday at our 10:30 service. All baptized believers are invited to participate in this ritual.